Healing the Inner Family
After undergoing the eight session program of Robert Hoffmann "psychic therapy" in the early 1970s, Dr. Naranjo adapted the strategy of this therapeutic approach to a group setting, and went on to experiment with an application of its ideas in a peer-therapy situation. Later, he designed a group process that was implemented by Reizah Leah Landman in the context of the early SAT Institute in Berkeley, with Hoffman as participant, and this, in turn, stimulated two new developments: Hoffmann's own application, from which derived today's "Hoffman Quadrinity Therapy" and Dr. Naranjo's own continuously revised version - which originally took the form of three months and was later condensed into four intensive days.
After experimenting with this short form of the process (that Dr. Naranjo originally called HFN in reference to Hoffman and also to the initials of both his and Hoffman's surrounding that of Fischer (from whom Hoffman had received his original inspiration), he incorporated it into the European SAT programs, where more recently it has also spawned two additional therapeutic approaches: one by Suzana Stroke, and another by Dr. Fernando Cámara.
In spite of many years of experience with the approach, Dr. Naranjo has only written a single paper about it, at Bob Hoffman's request. Though originally intended as a preface to a clinical book to Hoffman's that was never published, the writing became a chapter in The End of Patriarchy and now has shifted to Changing Education to Change the World.